Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Almost One Year Ago...

I can't believe that it's almost been a year. One year since we got our referral. One year since Miles entered our family. One year since my most favorite birthday ever.

Miles has grown so much. He is a happy, well-adjusted, funny, smart, curious little boy. He is talking up a storm...he's our human sponge. His eyes will light up a room, not to mention everyone's hearts.

After reading back at the posts from last year. Our hearts were hurting. We were struggling with patience and the unknown. We were beginning to lose it. And then, we got a little glimpse of hope. It was one year ago yesterday, September 10, 2011, that our referral to Miles was received by the Ministry. Our 6 month deadline was September 11th. Talk about a close call!

So, this time a year ago, Miles was a part of our family, but we wouldn't find out until the 23rd...

More to come later this month. Here are two more recent photos of Mr. Miles.